
Alpino's Food Lab is open for Lunch. Alpino's Food Lab serves Italian, Bar, Pizza, Diner and Soups dishes.
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Contact Details

+31 6 26179030

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Cost For Two




The owner is very nice and really cares about the quality of his food and the coffee he serves as well as customer satisfaction. Best pizza in The Hague. Service is excellent. A must visit..


Perfect place to rest during shopping. Had the pizza for lunch. Wow! Best pizza in town! Such a nice place, great owner and fresh handmade Italian pizza!.

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Photos taken at Alpino's Foodlab


Reviews at Alpino's Foodlab


The owner is very nice and really cares about the quality of his food and the coffee he serves as well as customer satisfaction. Best pizza in The Hague. Service is excellent. A must visit..


Perfect place to rest during shopping. Had the pizza for lunch. Wow! Best pizza in town! Such a nice place, great owner and fresh handmade Italian pizza!.

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